Motivation Language Attitudes and Globalisation A Hungarian Perspective by Zoltn Drnyei
Brand: Channel View Publications
Product Description
This volume presents the results of the largest ever language attitudemotivation survey in second language studies. The research team gathered data from over 13000 Hungarian language learners on three successive occasions in 1993 1999 and 2004. The examined period covers a particularly prominent time in Hungarys history the transition from a closed Communist society to a westernstyle democracy that became a member of the European Union in 2004. Thus the book provides an attitudinalmotivational flowchart describing how significant sociopolitical changes affect the language disposition of a nation. The investigation focused on the appraisal of five target languages English German French Italian and Russian and this multilanguage design made it also possible to observe the changing status of the different languages in relation to each other over the examined 12year period. Thus the authors were in an ideal position to investigate the ongoing impact of language globalisation in a context where for various politicalhistorical reasons certain transformation processes took place with unusual intensity and speed. The result is a unique blueprint of how and why language globalisation takes place in an actual language learning environment.
Condition : New
Author : Zoltn Drnyei
Weight : 436.15
Publisher : Channel View Publications
Language : English
EAN : 9781853598852
ISBN10 : 1853598852
Format : Paperback
Date of Publication : 20060504
Place of Publication : United Kingdom
Pagination : 224
Dimensions : 234 X 156 X 12