Stakes Is High by Michael W. Waters
Brand: Christian Board of Publication
Product Description
What happens when a people can take no more injustice rained down upon their sons and daughters When each new travesty echoes the cries of ancestors killed for the color of their skin How do a people rediscover hope And how do they use that newfound hope as momentum and strength for change In his powerful new book Stakes Is High pastor activist and community leader Michael W. Waters blends hiphop lyricism and social justice leadership creating an urgent voice demanding that America listen to the suffering if it hopes to redeem its soul. Weaving stories from centuries of persecution against the backdrop of todays urban prophets on the radio and in the streets Waters speaks on behalf of an awakened generation raging against racism yet fueled by the promise of a just future. Through the pain and hard but holy work you will hear the call to join the faithful struggle for racial justice. show more
Condition : New
Author : Michael W. Waters
Weight : 269.69
Publisher : Christian Board Of Publication
Language : English
EAN : 9780827235403
ISBN10 : 0827235402
Format : Paperback Softback
Date of Publication : 20152010
Place of Publication : United States
Pagination : 112 Pages
Dimensions : 211 X 137 X 13